Inicio Actualidad Una australiana corre una media maratón en una habitación de 10 metros

Una australiana corre una media maratón en una habitación de 10 metros

por Pablo Caño
Australina corre media maratón en su habitación

La joven australiana Mikaela Gill completó esta semana el reto de correr una media maratón (23 kilómetros) en la habitación de 10 metros cuadrados del hotel donde se encuentra aislada tras regresar de Reino Unido y comenzar su cuarentena.

Gill explica en su cuenta de Instagram que realmente su interés por el running se remonta a hace apenas unas pocas semanas, cuando un día se propuso correr 10 kilómetros y acabo corriendo 24.

Cuando regresó a Australia y después de ver en los telediarios como la gente había corrido enormes distancias durante sus confinamientos, decidió probar la experiencia en sus carnes y según asegura ella misma «ahora puedo confirmar que es realmente duro».

La chica explica ademas cuáles son sus 3 formas de motivarse:

  • Reto con un amigo o contigo mismo. Leyó la historia de 2 amigas que se propusieron entrenar todos los dñias, el día que no lo hicieran debían comerse una lata de comida de perro. La divertida anécdota sirve para obligarte a cumplir tus objetivos.
  • Mantén tu mente ocupada durante los entrenamientos. Escucha podcast, charlas de motivación o música, pero de esta manera evitarás pensar en abandonar.
  • Deja de decir que el running no es para ti (y esto sirve para todo). Tu único enemigo eres tu mismo y tu cerebro. Si los demás pueden, seguro que tu también puedes
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So yesterday I ran a half marathon in my hotel room. Yep just back n forth a 10m strip for 3 hours. If ya want some odd tips on how to get yourself motivated then read on and if you don’t care chuck her a like surely and keep scrolling. ⠀ Never been interested in running or ran really at all until I randomly had the urge about a month ago to do a 10km and then ended up wildly getting to 24km (my OG followers would have seen the pure shock). I saw people had been running in their apartments and I thought “that’s gotta be a terrible time”, so I thought I would see for myself how truly bad it was (can now confirm its pretty rough) . ⠀ Unconventional ways I get motivated: 1. You are all gonna be like wot but I read that a woman lost an obscene amount of weight by making a pact with her friend that if she skipped a workout, she had to eat a whole can of dog food. You fkn bet she didn’t skip a single one cause she didn’t wanna serve that up. Dog food is extreme but pretty funny, and around the same time my friend showed me a a bloke drinking a chicken shake (yep blended chicken) and now when I really want to do something, I use the chicken shake in the same way to stop myself from backing out. Stops silly excuses pre quickly ⠀ 2. For running specifically I don’t listen to music until the last couple of km’s. I listen to hours of motivational talks- yesterday it was a playlist called Fearless Motivation on Spotify. They are cringe talks about not quitting but for some reason (idk why) psychologically it helps my brain to make sure my legs don’t stop ahah, they are also like sort of rhythmic to a beat so it helps to keep you steady (haha have a listen yourself idk) ⠀ 3. This is from @davidgoggins, I’m brutally honest about things I’m bad at (running in this case). I stopped telling myself “I wasn’t built for it” and I was being lazy and giving up prematurely & I was the only reason I sucked (shock).it was like my brain had an epiphany and now I just don’t let myself stop. Ok you all may think I’m psychopathic now but you asked for tips that weren’t just “believe in yourself” so here they are. These are Obvy extreme but work for my odd brain.

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